
Finding timeless in a trendy world: IMM-Cologne top 5

Finding timeless in a trendy world: IMM-Cologne top 5

We have a love-hate relationship with the word “trend”- as we know most of you do.

Trendy might very well mean your new purchase will go out of style sooner than later. We prefer to focus on longevity in our pieces and in design—items you’ll cherish both now and in 20 years. When we travel to international design shows over the course of a year, debuting what’s new and current, we look for not necessarily the trendy but the timeless. This year, at IMM in Cologne, Germany, and Maison Objet in Paris, France, we discovered timeless inspiration aplenty! Check out some photos and over-arching themes we see repeatedly below, & let us know your thoughts!

Behind the Scenes: Ligne Roset Factory Tour

Behind the Scenes: Ligne Roset Factory Tour

Sometimes, in our fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget about the real people behind the scenes that make things happen. We recently travelled to the French countryside to visit the factory and flagship of Ligne Roset—a designer French furniture manufacturer and were reminded of their—and our—core values: namely, quality, authenticity, attention to detail, sustainability, innovation, and people-centric production and designs.